
Be A Part Of The Solution

If a collective would like to see changes made to past policies (dis-continuation or continuation), decisions need to be made, and an appointee needs to be found who will follow through with said ideas. The presentation of ideas, in and of itself, does not constitute a solution to problems (real or perceived) and does not fully allow the collective to move beyond the discussion stage. Those who are successful bring recognition of a challenge, and it's solution, to the table. Part of that solution, many times, will be the need to step in and act on the presented idea.

On a resume, "I saw...", "I believe...", "I think you should..." are phrases used by those who cannot honestly say, "I performed...", "I did...", "I accomplished...".


Budget Definition

Budgeting requires knowing what an expense will be and putting money aside for it's payment. The payment can be made for said expense in-full at the point in time that the appropriate amount is accumulated. Proper planning allows that point in time to coincide with the due date for that expense.

Do we believe a figure simply because it appears before us in black and white? 90% of our total population is operating on a budget *and* not paying for the simplest of things in-full at the time of purchase? Is this figure derived from a nationwide survey, narrowed down to a neighborhood, or from polling an incredibly small low-income sampling?

Further, by the definition above, it is not up to a provider of service, goods, etc., to actually manage the method by which one plans and executes their monthly budget.